'Processions' is a collaborative effort between myself and writer Rachel Woolf, which resulted in a 5 piece framed mural installed on the walls of the Scottish Power substation in the Edinburgh Meadows in 2014. The mural shows two processions. The first frame illustrates an extract from the novel “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” by Muriel Spark and shows pupils following their teacher up Middle Meadow Walk to the Old Town. The second procession, spread over four frames, is for the May Queen’s Coronation and illustrates the poem “A Throng of Folk” by Rachel Woolf, which includes a quote from Robert Burns. The words and illustrations reflect and celebrate the history of the Meadows and feature some of the characters who have contributed to what the place is today. To find out more about this much-loved green space's history visit the website of the Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links (FOMBL), who commissioned this piece.This project was funded through a South Central Neighbourhood Partnership Grant, Scottish Power and the Edinburgh Evening News.

Copyright Astrid Jaekel 2025